
Featured Challenge:
#186 — Wave Function Collapse: Overlapping Model

Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural image generation. In this long overdue follow-up to my tiled model video, I dive into the overlapping model, coding it step by step (complete with struggles and messy debugging interludes) in JavaScript with p5.js.

jan 26, 2025

Wave Function Collapse: Overlapping Model

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In this multi-part coding challenge, I attempt to create a simulation of the classic board game Snakes & Ladders (also known as Chutes and Ladders).

Snakes & Ladders

In this coding challenge, I attempt to implement the Floyd-Steinberg Dithering algorithm and create a "image stippling" effect on an image (kitten, of course) using Processing.

Floyd-Steinberg Dithering

Langton's Ant is a cellular automaton that starts off with simples rules but takes on complex emergent behavior.

Langton's Ant

The artist BeesandBombs makes amazing algorithmic looping GIFs! Here's my attempt to recreate one of my favorite GIFs in JavaScript with p5.js and the WEBGL renderer.

Cube Wave by Bees and Bombs

Let's attempt to create a snowfall simulation using p5.js, sprite sheets and Perlin noise wind!


Getting tied up in 3D Knots in Processing is loads of fun! Thank you to Paul Bourke for the helpful reference and formulae!

3D Knots

In this coding challenge, I attempt to code Conway’s Game of Life cellular automata simulation in JavaScript using the p5.js library.

The Game of Life

In this multi-part challenge, I implement two possible solutions to Golan Levin's Circle Morphing challenge.

Circle Morphing

This challenge is a continuation of the number guessing chatbot. In this version, I add the p5.Speech library for a voice interface.

Voice Chatbot with p5.Speech

In this coding challenge I attempt to create a chatbot that plays a number guessing game. I use the RiveScript along the JavaScript library p5.js.

Number Guessing Chatbot

In this coding challenge, I explore the concept of a simple particle system and attempt to create a smoke effect with the p5.js library.

Simple Particle System

In this coding challenge, I explore the concept of recursion to create fractal patterns in JavaScript HTML5 canvas with the p5.js library.


In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a version of the classic one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program in JavaScript using p5.js. This coding challenge is inspired by the book 10 PRINT.


In this coding challenge, I make a "Wikipedia web crawler" in JavaScript. It randomly crawls from topic to topic on Wikipedia using the API and the p5.js library.

Wikipedia API

In this coding challenge, I attempt to program a clock in HTML5 canvas with the p5.js library.


In this coding challenge, I create an acrostic generator with the Wordnik API and p5.js. This challenge is part of my "Programming with Text" series.


In this multi-part challenge, I create a simplified version of the classic Atari video game Frogger in Processing (Java).


In this challenge, I attempt to code the classic game Minesweeper in JavaScript with the p5.js library.


In this multi-part coding challenge, I create a system where autonomous steering agents evolve the behavior of eating food and avoiding poison.

Evolutionary Steering Behaviors

In this two part challenge, I implement the Breadth-First Search algorithm in JavaScript. My demo application is "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" (finding the closest relationship between Kevin Bacon and another actor).

Breadth-First Search

In this challenge, I attempt (emphasis on the word "attempt") to program the classic video game Pong in Processing (Java).


In this video, I use the p5.js library to create a web-based countdown timer. I discuss the native JavaScript method setInterval() and well as p5’s millis().

JavaScript Countdown Timer

This multi-part coding challenge is part of the first week of my course: "Intelligence and Learning." Here I attempt to implement a classic data structure: The Binary Search Tree.

Binary Tree

In this multi-part coding challenge, I demonstrate how to implement kinematics in Processing (Java).


In this two part challenge, I cover beginShape(), endShape(), and texture(), TRIANGLE_STRIP, QUAD_STRIP, and more. I combine these geometry functions with the Toxiclibs physics library to simulate a waving flag (with a unikitty image texture!)

Texturing Cloth Simulation

I love all things random and chance so why not make a Plink simulation with the matter.js physics engine and p5.js!

Plinko with Matter.js

In this coding challenge, I attempt to create a "Fractal Spirograph" with Processing (Java). The visuals are inspired by images and explanation on C. J. Chen’s blog.

Fractal Spirograph

Inspired by Everest Pipkin’s Moth Generator, I use trigonometry and perlin noise to procedurally generate butterfly wing designs with p5.js.

Butterfly Generator

In this coding challenge, I look at extracting font path points from text in p5.js with p5.Font.textToPoints(). I render the text as particles with steering behaviors that react to the mouse.

Steering Behaviors

In this coding challenge, I follow up on the Earthquake Data Visualization challenge and create a 3D version in Processing(Java) using spherical coordinates. I also discuss some 3D vector math including the cross product.

3D Earthquake Data Visualization

In this coding challenge, I visualize earthquake data from the USGS by mapping the latitude, longitude and the magnitude of earthquakes with p5.js. The map imagery is pulled from mapbox and the math demonstrated converts latitude, longitude to x,y via Web Mercator.

Mapping Earthquake Data

In this coding challenge, I attempt to create rose (rhodonea) curves using trigonometry function and polar coordinates.

Mathematical Rose Patterns

In this bonus super-sized coding challenge, I work through visualizing Islamic Star Patterns in p5.js.

Islamic Star Patterns

In this coding challenge, I simulate a "random walk" with vectors in p5.js, varying the distance of each step size. This is known as a "Lévy Flight" (named after french mathematician Paul Lévy.)

Random Walker with Vectors and Lévy Flight

In this coding challenge, I simulate a "random walk" with the p5.js library. This video is part of the course Nature of Code at ITP, Tisch, NYU.

Random Walker

In this multi-part coding challenge, I attempt an implementation of the A* Pathfinding Algorithm to find the optimal path between two points in a 2D grid.

A* Pathfinding Algorithm

In this multi-part coding challenge, I demonstrate how to use a circle packing algorithm.

Circle Packing

In this coding challenge, I implement “Pixel Sorting” in Processing (Java). Using a “selection sort” algorithm, I sort the pixels of an image by brightness and hue.

Pixel Sorting in Processing

In this two part coding challenge, I use the p5.js library to create my own version of the classic Atari video game Asteroids!


In this coding challenge, I make a HTML5 canvas doodling application with p5.js. Users can save and share drawings in real-time with the Database as a Service (DBaaS) Firebase.

Saving p5.js Drawings to Firebase

In this Coding Challenge, I code a Context-Free Grammar text generator from scratch. The concept of recursion is explored. This video is part of Session 7 of the "Programming from A to Z" ITP class.

Context-Free Grammar

In this multi-part coding challenge I attempt to use a Markov Chain to generate a new name for my YouTube channel.

Markov Chain Name Generator