Image ClassificationSimple image classification using MobileNet. Image Classification with WebcamContinuous image classification with webcam feed. Image Classification - Drag and DropDrag and drop an image in the canvas to classify it. Image Classification - Display label and confidenceDisplays the label and confidence of the classification. Image Classification - TintTints the image with a color based on the confidence.
This video covers image classification in ml5.js 1.0. I demonstrate both the default MobileNet model as well as how to train your own classifier with transfer learning and teachable machine.
ml5 page with documentation and supporting material.
Syllabus for ITP IMA course on Machine Learning.
Original paper on MobileNet.
Repository with the Tensorflow.js MobileNet model.
ImageNet is an image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy.
Fei-Fei Li's TED talk on ImageNet.
About bias in ImageNet data set.
ml5.js documentation on ImageClassifier.
Google's Teachable Machine.
- Editing
by Mathieu Blanchette
- Animations
by Jason Heglund