In this coding challenge, I use the "superformula" to make a 3D "supershape" in Processing. This is part 4 of a multi-part series on superformulas, superellipses and supershapes
In this coding challenge, I create a sphere in Processing using spherical coordinates and triangle strips. This is the 3rd part of a multi-part series on superformulas, superellipses and supershapes.
Boing! Using some particles and some springs with the Toxiclibs physics library, I create a 3D cloth simulation in Processing. Toxiclibs can now be downloaded from Processing's library manager.
In this third installment of my series on algorithmic botany, I discuss L-systems and how they can be used to generate trees and other fractal patterns in p5.js.
Let's fly to new heights with a 3D terrain coding challenge! Using Perlin Noise and beginShape() + endShape() with triangle strips, I'll guide you through visualizing a 3D procedural terrain in Processing.
In part 3 of this coding challenge, using Processing, I add textures to the 3D objects created in part 2. The PShape class and createShape() functions are covered.