
Featured Challenge:
#186 — Wave Function Collapse: Overlapping Model

Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm for procedural image generation. In this long overdue follow-up to my tiled model video, I dive into the overlapping model, coding it step by step (complete with struggles and messy debugging interludes) in JavaScript with p5.js.

jan 26, 2025

Wave Function Collapse: Overlapping Model

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spherical coordinates

It's the Mandelbulb! What happens when you take the original fractal (The Mandelbrot Set) and extend it into 3D space. And how do you visualize it in Processing (Java) as a point cloud?

The Mandelbulb

In this coding challenge, I use the "superformula" to make a 3D "supershape" in Processing. This is part 4 of a multi-part series on superformulas, superellipses and supershapes

3D Supershapes